Monday, September 1, 2008

Third World Diet

It is estimated that 50-60% of the world's population lives on rice and beans alone. I can't remember the last time that I even considered eating rice and beans. Can you?

Yesterday, we challenged The Bridge Community to spend five to seven days straight eating nothing but rice and beans. Why? We want our community to get a sense of what it is like to live on a Third World Diet.

We are once again participating in the Advent Conspiracy. You can read more about our church's involvement here. I won't be doing the rice and beans diet this week, but I will blog about my experience when I begin. So stay tuned! Also, I challenge you all to try the third world diet and to consider how you can become a part of the Advent Conspiracy this Christmas season.

Busy Week:
This week is packed.
  • Tuesday - one on one discipleship meetings and work on the Great Adventure Project
  • Wednesday - flying to Willow Creek for the REVEAL conference planning meeting. Dinner at Willow and work session following.
  • Thursday -Reveal Conference planning work sessions (keep up on twitter).
  • Friday - back in MO. I'm going to watch ROY walk. Are you?
  • Saturday - traveling to Decatur, IL to play a concert with Parallax View.
  • Sunday - We are announcing THE great adventure project at The Bridge.

1 comment:

Jeromy McDowell said...

Today is our fifth day of rice and beans. Can you say double quarter pound cheeseburger and fries?