Saturday, March 3, 2012

Verge Highlights

I traveled to Austin, TX this past week for the Verge Conference. After each day I put into my journal key thoughts that stuck with me. I figured I should share them. Enjoy.

Day 1:

  1. We need skilled business men chasing after Jesus
  2. Always check the ROI (return on investment) in missions endeavors
  3. People are packing into cities globally
  4. We are living in a "fatherless" generation
  5. Church = the family of God in the neighborhood
  6. Listen. Receive vision. Respond. Lead passionately. Operate in gifts/talents.
  7. Do not miss out on what the eternal God created us to do.
  8. Labor in prayer
  9. Incarnate into your culture, not another. Don't be afraid to create a better culture as well
  10. Focus on those you want others to imitate. 20/80 rather than 80/20
  11. We need to be blessers.
  12. Who have you blessed this week?
  13. Love is the only thing that can sustain mission.
  14. You must develop a Christ-like agony for people
  15. Christians live with a lot of unbelief
  16. We must believe the truth of God
  17. The Father is relentlessly pursuing you
  18. There is a hipness in going. Jesus dwelled for thirty years with little notice.
  19. Vanderstelt -- Stay. Among. Die.
  20. What will help others perceive the Glory of God?

Day 2 -

  1. Ephesians 4:7-11 is needed
  2. You are perfectly designed to achieve what you are currently achieving
  3. Engage in the suffering
  4. We can not be on mission without prayer
  5. Mission without prayer is works righteousness --- this was my thought
  6. God can do more than we can
  7. Cultivate the life of your own soul
  8. Authenticity is the apologetic of our day
  9. The church is a family, not an orphanage
  10. Lean into the power of the Holy Spirit
  11. Create space for the Holy Spirit
  12. Disciple makers produce disciple makers
  13. Spend time with the few to reach the many
  14. Allow the few access into your life
  15. Keep asking God for receptive people
  16. If you can teach it to a child you know it. If you can't, you don't.
  17. Prepare a 1 minute testimony. Encourage everyone to do this, practice this, hold them accountable.
  18. Questions: Who did you witness to? Who did you train?
  19. The 8 non-negotiable David Platt teachings... 1) God-centered God. 2) Word saturated ministry. 3) A life changing Gospel. 4) Spirit empowered church. 5) Christ-Driven Strategy. 6) A peoples focused goal. 7) A multi-faceted approach. 8) Death defined commitment
  20. The great commission can be accomplished.

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